MSI Aegis X Mini-ITX Barebones Gaming PC Review

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I know this is a bare-bones unit. However, what I don't know is is that FSP PSU one of their good designs or one that is lacking? even if the PSU is a 1U unit, it's important not to go too cheap (as in poor - bad quality) as is usually the case with a bundled PSU and case.

If I was paying $500 for a "barebones" PC (case, PSU, motherboard), I would definitely expect a decent PSU.

We're quite far from the $40 case with 'free' PSU category here.

MSI is also a large name company. They would be rather foolish to use a cheap power supply in this case as it would hurt their reputation.
overall for a barebones, this looks like a good little unit to build around. definitely very niche product, but seems like it does what its supposed to very well.
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