[SOLVED] MSI Afterburner shows wrong GPU Usage.


Mar 5, 2019

So while playing overwatch at max settings I thought it was pretty weird my GPU was running at 32%. When I looked at other performance monitoring software like playclaw or AMD radeon overlay it shows a 90-99% GPU Usage. And yes, I've already tried "Enable unified GPU usage monitoring". Both show the same 30-40% all the time. How can I fix this?

Did you restart your computer after turning "Enable unified GPU usage monitoring" on? If you did and it still doesn't show correct usage... try this.

Step 1. Go to Control Panel->Power Options.

Step 2. Click on "Change plan settings" to the plan that is named "Balanced (recommended)"

Step 3. Click on "Change advanced power settings".

Step 4. The Power Options window will open. Scroll down to and expand "PCI Express" and then expand "Link State Power Management". In the Settings drop-down box, select Off and click Ok to save the changes. You have to restart your computer to make sure the changes have been applied.

After this, your graphics card PCI-Express slot will operate at full speed and you may see...
Did you restart your computer after turning "Enable unified GPU usage monitoring" on? If you did and it still doesn't show correct usage... try this.

Step 1. Go to Control Panel->Power Options.

Step 2. Click on "Change plan settings" to the plan that is named "Balanced (recommended)"

Step 3. Click on "Change advanced power settings".

Step 4. The Power Options window will open. Scroll down to and expand "PCI Express" and then expand "Link State Power Management". In the Settings drop-down box, select Off and click Ok to save the changes. You have to restart your computer to make sure the changes have been applied.

After this, your graphics card PCI-Express slot will operate at full speed and you may see higher GPU usage and performance in games.

If this still doesn't help/work... please reply to this message.
Hmm... weird... Try this. Uninstall MSI Afterburner and then installing the newest beta... http://download.msi.com/uti_exe/vga/MSIAfterburnerSetup462Beta4.zip

If this still doesn't work... please reply to this message and specify your PC specs.
I've fixed it myself, for some reason I have to show the GPU usage on graph and not with text. Thanks for the help though. I will mark your first comment as "solved" because I can see that It would really help some other people out :)
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