MSI B350 - No POST, black screen.


Jun 30, 2017
Hello, I'm new and this might be the wrong section but I can't find a "build help" and I think my issue is related to the motherboard.

I've just bought these pieces for a new PC (got the list online and asked a tech savvy friend to check it):

RYZEN 5 1500X
2x Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB
EVGA 550 B3

When I booted the first time nothing happened, black screen.
No beep codes but CPU and DRAM leds on (Ez led debug on the mobo).

After a few test (and panic) I tried to remove one stick of RAM and moved the other to the second slot and somehow it successfully got into the BIOS.

I turned off the PC, installed the other RAM, turned on and nothing, black screen. I removed it again but I couldn't get past the black screen no matter what even with the exact same setup I had the first time.
The first 3 leds (CPU, DRAM, VGA) are off but BOOT is on.
I've spent the last few hours trying to fix it but no luck at all.


if the CPU, RAM and VGA LED's are off, that means these items have been tested and are fine, the boot LED will remain on until you get into the bios and set it up, tell it which drive to boot off etc.

As for the problem, make sure that you ram is in slot A2 and B2, thats slots 2 and 4.

The debug LEDs are basically stating that your machine is on and posted, make sure your monitor cable is plugged into the graphics card ports and not the motherboard VGA output by mistake, and also that its firmly in there.

Try clear the cmos using the jumper on the motherboard, anything metal should work to short the 2 pins, you'll need to short them for 10-20 seconds, use a flat headed screw driver, car key, kitchen knife on them, something like that.


First of all, thank you a lot for your help!

All the Leds turn on (in succession) but after a sec or two they go off and stay off. I suppose it's just a check (I'm a software guy, hardware is not my thing yet)

I'm using only one RAM and it's indeed in the second slot, I will put the other in the 4th.

I'm using the DVI interface, I've read somewhere the HDMI one might require a driver so that shouldn't be a problem.
I will test it with another monitor soon, it could be a monitor/cable problem indeed but it worked one time.
I've also tried everything with both the motherboard integrated VGA port and the GPU port (DVI)

I've already tried to clear the CMOS by shorting the jumper for 5-10 sec, I will try it with 20 sec.

I've read a few times the B350 (tomahawk, not PRO-VDH) has problem with Ryzen 6 (not 5) and I need to flash it with the last update to fix it (but I can't as I have to get into the BIOS for that)
Again, I got it to work one time, if it's a compatibility problem it shouldn't have happened at all.

This is driving me crazy : /

The integrated VGA, HDMI, DVI ports wont work at all, as the is no onboard graphics on RyZen currently, those ports are there for future APU's when they get released.

I would hazard a guess at it needing a bios update usually, but as you've managed to get into the bios at one point, this isnt a problem.

You are right with what you say about the debug LED's, CPU comes on first, goes out when its checked and passed, then the RAM, get checked, goes out when its passed etc etc, this tells me everything is passing the checks, its got to be graphics card to monitor, have you tried with a HDMI cable ?

Also, once all of those LEDs have gone out, usually a red LED will come on up by the CPU fan header, just leave the system on for a min or 2 and see if anything comes up on the monitor, earlier revisions of the bios on these boards took about 30 seconds to post.

I will try this afternoon with another cable and monitor (HDMI aswell).
I've waited over 10 min just to be sure, nothing again. When it successfully worked it took indeed around 30 seconds.
Turns out it was the DVI cable, I've tried 3 different cables but two of them were connected to the motherboard and, as you said, it doesn't work with Ryzen. Thank you a lot once again!

What did you change on the cable to make this work, I'm having the same issue? Thanks.