MSI B350M No Display

Oct 2, 2018
Hey guys, just (attempted) to build my first PC so odds are this is a simply mistake. Running a MSI B350 gaming pro MB with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600. At first I was getting no single and the EZ debug CPU light was coming on, after unplugging replugging cables all of the EZ debug are off, but I still have no signal.

CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 1600
GPU - MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4gb
MB - MSI B350m Gaming pro
RAM - G.Skill Aegis 8gb DDR4
PSU - EVGA B3 450W 80+ Bronze

Currently I have the HDMI and Monitor cables plugged into the MB, tried putting HDMI into GPU same result. Also didn't plug in the VGA cables that came with PSU, not sure if that's an issue.

GPU looks like a DirectX 12 if that helps, can't see any additional pins on it other than the ones in the back (HDMI etc)
RAM is a 1x8 so just the single stick

Yes, Both the 24 for MB and 8 for CPU are in and clicked, no bent pins, All fans spin lights work

Switched the RAM to the other slot, now the monitor will pick up the signal from the HDMI, but stays black and the MB EZ bebug VGA light is lit up