Hi, I was expecting to order a Msi B450 Gaming Plus but I read they have problems with memory and Ryzen 3000 bios and they´ll have no support. What motherboard B450 can I choose? Asrock, Asus,...?
Hi there I’m also looking to buy an msi gaming motherboard. I have the MSI B450 GAMING PLUS in mind, but also the MSI B450-A-PRO. Which would you recommend out of those two?Will they both support up to a ryzen 9 and will you have to do a BIOS update to support the 3000 Series or are they compatible?Our site has an article about 400 series MB + Ryzen 3000 cpu. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/msi-amd-400-motherboards-ryzen-3000,39836.html
For the memory, as long as you don't oc the RAM more than 3466mhz, which is the max. speed that MB can support, you are fine. https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/B450-GAMING-PLUS/Specification
For which 400 series MB? you should wait for the review, and don't buy the x570 because you want to use pcie 4.0 feature for now.