Question MSI B560 problems...

Jan 14, 2022
MSI B560 Tomahawk wifi, i5 11400F, 2 x 8Gb Viper 3200Mhz, Kingston NV1 500GB M2 SSD, 650W power and various graphic cards...
The setup I've assembled for a friend, but never got to work.
(Indicator lamps showing everything's fine!)

I've tried all possible bios settings with all available bios, I've tried with other RAM, with the SSD in all 3 slots, with a normal HDD with/without the SSD, I've tried various graphic cards in both slots, and always the same:

When I boot using either USB or DVD to install Win10/Win11, it all ends with a frozen screen showing a blue window.
(Sometimes some idiot error message, and sometimes my favorite, a sad smiley...)
It's as if everything works until the installer starts looking for where to place the stuff.
(I'm using the required Win11 bios safety settings, and tried everything else - both with Win10 and Win11)

I believe it's a motherboard problem, and I have 1 question to start with: is it normal that a MB comes with the latest bios installed? (released 9/9-21)
Suspect I've been given a MB they've got returned...
Jan 14, 2022
latest bios when it was manufactured. so it could be months ago

did you not check the bios version in bios?
When I started it up for the first time, I already had the latest bios next to me on a USB, since that's the natural first step. Even though the latest bios is 4 months old, I still became slightly surprise to find that it was already installed.
It's for sure the first time it happened to me...
Jan 14, 2022
brand and model of the psu?
using the stock cpu cooler? check the cpu temp in bios?
turn on xmp memory profile in bios? test with just 1 stick of ram?
I'm using the stock cooler, since the processor never gonna be overclocked.
Temp is just fine, and steady. But then again, I've never come longer then the bios... :)
I've checked with 1 RAM and I've tried with other RAMs.
I have actually also tried with different RAM frequencies - not that I believed it would change anything... since these RAMs are 3200Hz, they're set to 2667 - which is standard, and should be working just fine. I have tried by running them on 3200 as well.
PSU: "Cooler Master" MWE Bronze 650W
Jan 14, 2022
No iGPU. What GPU do you use?

Brand and model?
Graphic-Card: I've tried with several. They ain't brand new any of them, but I've checked and double checked - they should all work, even with Win 11.
The one I was hoping to be able to use, is perhaps slightly questionable...
It's an MSI N750ti 2G. I also tried with my old favorites Asus ENGTX 560, and GTX 1070.
This build is for a friend, and only for recreation - mostly music actually, (have a nice audio-card ready) so there's no need for a fancy graphic-card - especially not considering the prices of such ones, nowadays... I figured I'd just use one of my old.
Jan 14, 2022
Why didn't you get a 11400 with iGPU?
A mix of a couple bad reasons...
The online store this friend of mine always buys everything "electronic" from, didn't have the 11400 on stock, and in stead of going somewhere ells...
And since his budget is also close to non existing, I decided to try this way - well aware I was inviting trouble by doing so. But not this insane amount of trouble! - after all, it is supposed to work!
It's like everything is working, the PC has just forgotten where to put things n stuff, and in stead of admitting it, it just pulls out quietly in shame...