Masters pls help me build ma first pc, ill rush for a 6th gen micro atx mid gaming setup, been thinking about msi bazooka, can you compare it to any other 1151 mobo , is i3 6320 good ? Or just go for i5 6500 plss sirs. (=(
Whether to get an i3, or i5, depends on what you want to use the system for. Unless there is some feature you want, or the price is about even, or cheaper, just go with a Haswell i3. The performance really isn't much different.
I dont do editing stuffs , just gaming with a smooth running of other apps so i3 or i5? And is it not a good idea to be skylake ready sir? =) thanks for the reply
Skylake comes at a price premium, an I don't think that price premium is worth the very minor performance difference. Gaming, the GPU matters more, than CPU, up to a point. It depends on budget, and what graphics card you intend to use.
Skip the SSD, for now, and use the money saved towards a faster GPU. SSD does 0 for framerates. All it does it make things load faster. When you have more money, later on, then you can pick up an SSD. Just go with a 250gb or higher. 120gb is not much. Tier 1 and Tier 2 PSU's, are what you should be looking at. On the safe side, Seasonic, XFX, Evga B2/G2/GS, Seasonic, and Antec bronze rated or better.