Msi bazooka sos


Oct 5, 2015
Masters pls help me build ma first pc, ill rush for a 6th gen micro atx mid gaming setup, been thinking about msi bazooka, can you compare it to any other 1151 mobo , is i3 6320 good ? Or just go for i5 6500 plss sirs. (=(
I dont do editing stuffs , just gaming with a smooth running of other apps so i3 or i5? And is it not a good idea to be skylake ready sir? =) thanks for the reply
So heresmy 4th gen option sir pls comment anything
And what psu can you recommend me =)

i3 3.7 ghz
Asus b85 pro
Hyper x 2x4gb
Sandisk 120gb
Seagate 1tb 64mb sata
Evga gtx750 1gb ddr5

Skip the SSD, for now, and use the money saved towards a faster GPU. SSD does 0 for framerates. All it does it make things load faster. When you have more money, later on, then you can pick up an SSD. Just go with a 250gb or higher. 120gb is not much. Tier 1 and Tier 2 PSU's, are what you should be looking at. On the safe side, Seasonic, XFX, Evga B2/G2/GS, Seasonic, and Antec bronze rated or better.