MSI bootlogo no longer shows after CPU upgrade.


Jun 18, 2017
For some reason, my cool MSI bootlogo doesn't show anymore?! I tried resetting CMOS, etc. but nothing works.. all I get is a black screen until windows welcome screen shows up. I had to disable bios setting "Win10 WHQL support" in order to be able to have the option to get to post info/‘press to enter bios’ to show up during boot. Otherwise, blank screen until welcome screen... weird!

I’d like to be able to re-enable “OS Config/Win10 WHQL support” in Bios again, since that is the only way to get the bootlogo to work, prior to my CPU swap. Everything worked perfect when I had i5-7400, but after installing i7-7700k, the entire bootlogo/startup screen is missing... power PC on, black screen...... then windows login screen shows up... ugh

anyone know why?

Yes, but it won’t work the way it used too. It shows nothing now unless I disable in Bios ‘Win10 WHQL support”... but by doing that I get a diff ugly low resolution bootlogo. When I re-enable ‘Win10 WHQL support’ under OS Config, I lose ability to even see the Post boot options, just black screen... then after a min. of just black screen, Windows sign in appears normally.

All I did was swap CPU, & now I have to reset CMOS just to be able to access Bios to make changes.

Yup, I tried that also... previously I had a similar issue & disabling MSI fast boot fixed it, but this time toggling it off didn’t fix it :??:

Haha! Ya, it’s crazy... I also installed an RGB Cooler(H7 Quad Lumi) that plugs in to USB header on Mobo. So I’m going to pull the RGB USB cable out to see if it is causing the issue.
well, for whatever reason... only thing that worked was switching from DP 1.4 to HDMI 2.0! Now why in gods earth did upgrading CPU/COOLER bug out my Display port from not working correctly with "WIN10 WQHL SUPPORT" bios setting enabled... anyone's guess!!

what I did notice is that after switching to HDMI, Bios setting OS Config/Internal GOP config now shows again "Nvida GPU UEFI Driver", but while having issues in my orginal setup it was showing "Unkown Driver".

hmmm - another case added to unsolved mysteries... seems those happen to just me only 🙁

After I figured out the workaround (I hate workarounds!), I ran into another issue where If I “restarted” PC, my monitor would keep going in/out of sleep mode, just after bootlogo, but just as windows login screen would normally appear.. swapping to new HDMI cable fixed that!

But as far as the main issue.. Having to switch to HDMI from DP isn’t the fix I wanted. I’m running latest win10 insider Beta, GTX 1080, I think I’ll need a VGA GOP Bios update from ASUS(to include a Display port compatible one)or MSI Bios update (I have latest), or Win10 OS update... or some combo of all lol

I’m so lost!! I haven’t slept right in 2 days.... good news for you, I’m not 12... lol I’ll be 38yo in Dec. also & sadly OCD level 137383939.

Your feedback was actually very good! Because Fast boot & msi fast boot options are listed under the “OS management” section along with GOP VGA driver info. By shutting off Win10 WHQL setting (also in OS Manage Bios setting) I lose the cool bootlogo, but get to use DP cable.

Wonder what the benifit of having Win10 WHQL enabled? (Beside Cool MSI bootlogo).

It never ends...

switching to HDMI no longer works as a workaround, but changing my monitor setting to DP 1.2 from DP 1.4 works... so aggravating.

Would it make sense to re-install perfectly working windows installation? Its just bonkers, that swapping CPU would cause this weird bug?!