MSI Enters Endurance Run With 9-hr Netbook

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different, more efficient hardware that's not well supported by mac os x. what are you lol'ing at?!?
OSX is much better at power management than Vista and XP. There have been many articles about it. The took a dual boot mac Airbook which had OSX and Vista and ran tests. While running OS it got almost 6 hours of battery life. While booted under Vista it was around 2 1/2 hours. I noticed this as well on my Dell which had a XP/Vista dual boot. I lost an hour just by running Vista compared to running XP. I think its the Aero desktop and the aggressive wifi scanning as well as just bad code.
there's just no driver out there for the poulsbo chipset.
It exists already for many years, but even in Windows it has it's bugs and errors.
Very few devices have the poulsbo chipset with drivers for XP, and even fewer for Linux.
OSX is not supported.

I think that's what he meant.
It's a retarded thing to say, you can't make a laptop hackintosh, and it would be silly to do so. Apple is actually competitively priced in the laptop market.
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