MSI G41M-P26 Motherboard Build Quality Question

2009 was about when MSI started it's downward slide, heading up to then they had been comfortable sitting in 3rd place in overall mobo sales, but shortly thereafter they fell behind ASRock 2009/10, since then the Rock has continued to increase sales and pull away while MSI has continued it's slide downhill. I quit using them after the P67 fiasco in 2011 and have yet to see anything to put them back in the mix of mobos I'll use, I get more problem calls on their mobos than any 2 other manufacturers put together
2009 was about when MSI started it's downward slide, heading up to then they had been comfortable sitting in 3rd place in overall mobo sales, but shortly thereafter they fell behind ASRock 2009/10, since then the Rock has continued to increase sales and pull away while MSI has continued it's slide downhill. I quit using them after the P67 fiasco in 2011 and have yet to see anything to put them back in the mix of mobos I'll use, I get more problem calls on their mobos than any 2 other manufacturers put together

Thanks, that is a very useful information relating to the MSI build quality but yet i feel somehow this post doesn't answer the main question. It was about this particular mobo but that's ok, i don't need that anymore. I got a general idea from your post and i am happy. Thanks again :)