The gd55 is the older version of the gaming 5. Either board would be excellent, but the gd55 is a fair amount cheaper. 😉
I was going to suggest the Asus z97-a as well, but the price was pretty high from the site you linked.
I'm sure you will love the gd55 either way, and when you do decide to overclock, it should do a very good job.
IMO MSI outranks Gigabyte, and is now starting to close in on Asus. Maybe not in their budget boards, but at least in the mid range to high end. I would place the gd55 in their upper end hardware, and you should have no worries.
I have owned 2 MSI boards so far. One of them is still going today, 5 years later(msi 790fx gd-70. The other I bought christmas time(MSI z97 GD-65 Gaming) and I love it. Both boards have been rock stable for me and very good overclockers. I have not had one issue with them. MSI's quality has vastly improved over the last couple years and it shows IMO. Just make sure to register your product, so if any issues arise(i doubt it) you will be covered. The board still earns MSI's Military class 4 award, which means it is just as high of quality components as their gaming series. Hope this info helps.