MSI Gaming 4G OR GIGABYTE G1 GTX 970??????????????

Varun Gajendran

Jun 11, 2015
Am going to buy Nvidia's GTX 970!!! Am in a dilemma to choose between Gigabyte G1 GTX 970 and MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G!!! Which one is better and in the long run as I'll not upgrade my Graphics Card anytime within 3-4 years!!! I may OC later on!!! MSI really looks cool!! But I've read reports about some MSI cards facing some issues regarding its fan and coil whine. Gigabyte G1 reviews are equally good but everyone appreciates the card having a really good and rigid backplate!!! Does backplate got anything to do with betterment of card??? Also the clocks of Gigabyte seems to be bit higher than MSI!! But MSI runs silent than Gigabyte!! Please Help me out guys!!!!
Performance between the two will basically identical and the backplate is more for looks. Coil whine is luck of the draw across all brands of 970. If you like the looks of the MSI Gaming card I would just get that one.
Performance between the two will basically identical and the backplate is more for looks. Coil whine is luck of the draw across all brands of 970. If you like the looks of the MSI Gaming card I would just get that one.

Yeah! I'll go for MSI itself!!! Actually MSI GAMING 100 ME version comes with a backplate!!!