Msi gaming X vs. Msi gaming?


May 27, 2017
I am looking to buy a Msi gtx 1060 gaming x 6 Gb and I found the normal gtx 1060 gaming 6Gb what is the difference between the gaming x and the gaming version?

I have heard it only changes the overclock defaults. Does this mean I can still hit 2 GHz with the gaming version?

Also does the gaming version have RGB lighting?

They are essentially the same card, only difference is default base and boost clocks. Most 1060s with an adequate cooler and VRM, like the gaming and gaming x have, will overclock to between 2070-2100mhz before they start getting unstable. You may get lucky and get one that will do a bit more or you may get unlucky and get one that overclocks a bit less. But on average I would expect the gaming and gaming x to overclock about the same.
They are essentially the same card, only difference is default base and boost clocks. Most 1060s with an adequate cooler and VRM, like the gaming and gaming x have, will overclock to between 2070-2100mhz before they start getting unstable. You may get lucky and get one that will do a bit more or you may get unlucky and get one that overclocks a bit less. But on average I would expect the gaming and gaming x to overclock about the same.
It's more than just core and boost speeds. The Gaming X has faster memory compared to the Gamings defaul 8000 MHz:

9126 MHz (OC mode)
9026 MHz (Gaming/Silent mode)

^^Also the Gaming X has three built in custom BIOS setting changes each with their own speeds on both the core/boost and memory (Gaming, Silent, and OC).

And yes the Gaming X does have a personalizing RGB LED lighting.

EDIT: Sorry that info is wrong. I was referencing the Gaming X+ and not the standard Gaming X which is slightly slower and memory only boosts to 8100 MHz in OC mode. All other info stands though (RGB, multiple BIOS, faster core/boost than the Gaming). I'd recommend the X+ for just a few more bucks.

Ok thanks, do you know about lighting?