MSI GTX 1050 2GB Gaming overclocking?

Nov 3, 2018
Hello. I wanted to ask about overclocking my GPU.
So i have MSI GTX 1050 2GB Gaming GPU and Akyga Basic ATX Power Supply 550W AK-B1-550 Fan12cm P4 3xSATA PCI.

I was increasing core and memory in MSI afterburner, done some benchmarks (Valley and MSI Kombustor) and got to stable +125 core and +450 memory clock. Then i noticed that my PSU is getting kinda hot. Kinda at the point when its not comfortable to hold my hand on the case above it for about 10 seconds. Is that okay? Can something go wrong? Have i gone too much up? What should i do? What are the signs of danger?
Well, that's a really low quality PSU... it's based on an old design outputting more power on the 3.3V and 5V than on the 12V rail.
A PSU that's not comfortable to touch on load is a really bad sign.
Also is your PSU having enough airflow? Should be facing down if it' mounted on the top. If it's mounted on the bottom it should still be facing down, but you don't want your computer sitting on the carpet because your power aupply won't get enough airflow

What's the rest of the system configuration?
Cpu: AMD FX-8320 Black edition, 8 cores
RAM: 2x4GB DDR3 sticks
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 R2, 760G, DualDDR3-1066, D-SUB, mATX

CPU needs 8 pin connector, this psu i got has 4 pin connector. Could it underpower CPU? Could it affect performance in games?
Your FX 8320 tdp is 125W, that combined with the tdp of the card that should be around 80W because you OCed it. So the total power consumption of the system should be a little over 200W in full load.

Your PSU has only 24A on the 12V rail which translates to 288W of available power, but being a crappy PSU it's possible that the output power is lower than what's advertised.

You're really pushing the limit of the PSU, so that would be the cause why it gets so hot and being a low quality unit doesn't help at all.

I'd really sugest upgrading to a better quality unit like a Corsair CX450M/CX550M.
Okay, was thinking about replacing AMD stock cooler with hyper evo 212(literally jet engine in my room..), might aswell grab new PSU. Will drop all the overclocks for now. Is there a possibility that my psu underpowers cpu/gpu? which costs me in performance or is it okay still?