MSI gtx 1050 ti gaming or gigabyte g1 gaming gtx 1050 ti?


Jul 22, 2017
I'm really curious which one gives better performance with an i3 4150 I need to know which one will give the best performance on my i3. Thank you
As said, certainly, definitely, surely, 101%, yes you can. Your 500W PSU has way more than enough juice to power your rig even on OC.

For your peace of mind:

From the Gigabyte GPU's website:
"Recommended PSU - 300W"

From techpowerup's review:
"During gaming, power draw stays well below the 75 W limit of the PCI-Express slot. Gigabyte's added 6-pin power connector seems to do very little here. What's surprising is that Furmark maximum power is so much lower than individual spikes recorded in-game. This points to a very low power limit setting which ends up...
They are both the same chip (GTX 1050 Ti), so, one won't be significantly better than the other in terms of graphics performance. Both are factory-OC'd with a miniscule amount of MHz difference between each other, so, that doesn't matter.

If you want the GPU to be black+orange with RGB lighting and a backplate, get the Gigabyte. If you want the GPU to be black+red with no backplate, get the MSI. If you want the best price/performance, get the cheapest of the two.
As said, certainly, definitely, surely, 101%, yes you can. Your 500W PSU has way more than enough juice to power your rig even on OC.

For your peace of mind:

From the Gigabyte GPU's website:
"Recommended PSU - 300W"

From techpowerup's review:
"During gaming, power draw stays well below the 75 W limit of the PCI-Express slot. Gigabyte's added 6-pin power connector seems to do very little here. What's surprising is that Furmark maximum power is so much lower than individual spikes recorded in-game. This points to a very low power limit setting which ends up limiting performance slightly because NVIDIA Boost can not increase clocks as high as it could with a higher power limit."

From guru3d's review:,7.html
We stress the GPU to the max, and the processor as little as possible. The before and after wattage will tell us roughly how much power a graphics card is consuming under load.

Here is Guru3D's power supply recommendation:

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - On your average system the card requires you to have a 300~350 Watts power supply unit.

If you are going to overclock your GPU or processor, then we do recommend you purchase something with some more stamina. And remeber, a PSU is the most efficient at 50% load.