Msi GTX 1060 6GB Gaming X vs Msi GTX 1070 8GB Gaming X


Feb 18, 2017
Backstory: So I've built a gaming PC about a year ago and I didn't buy a GPU(Msi GTX 970 was the card I was going to get but didn't because of the new GTX 10X0 cards). I've finally gotten into PC gaming since I wasn't having much fun on my PS4 anymore but I've had done a ton of research and couldn't find anything on this. I also stream from time to time on twitch and would like to play games and stream them at the same time.

What I'm trying to do: So the question is which one should I get and will be more valued for my money, I'm not looking to spend a lot but something decent and will work with what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm on a budget but could probably stretch.

Question: Should I get an Msi GTX 1060 6GB Gaming X(£285~) or an Msi GTX 1070 8GB Gaming X(£435~)?

If you're wondering yes I am a HUGE Msi fan and would prefer to see their products in my PC but I can maybe look at other cards.

Any help is well appreciated and I thank you deeply for the help.

Just standard 1080p for now but i want to make sure its a GPU that will allow me to stream and run games with 60+ FPS and medium or high graphics.

In that case a 1060 will be more than enough to run any 1080p games at high/ultra settings at 60fps :)
The rx 480 is a great card and in a lot of scenarios outperforms the gtx 1060 in dx11 and nearly always outperforms it in dx12 and vulcan, and yes msi make great graphics cards 😉 Plus you can put 2 in crossfire and you get freesync.


Wrong way around, in DX11 the 1060 has a clear lead but with the latest drivers the 480 pulls ahead a few % in DX12 and a larger amount with Vulcan. Problem is Vulcan may not ever become mainstream if developers don't adopt it.

The rx 480 comes relatively close in dx 11 and edges ahead in dx12 and vulcan and is cheaper but yea I got mixed up with my last comment.


I have a i5-4690K processor but planning on overclocking it to a possible 4.2 GHz~