MSI GTX 650 2GB getting Temp to 98 Degree C


Sep 5, 2014
I have a MSI GTX 650 2GB (N650-2GD5/OC).
I3 3220 processor, 8gb ddr3 ram.
I Just recently started monitoring my GPU temperature and its reaching 98 degree Celcius while playing games like World of tanks, operation flashpoint dragon rising.

Should I be worried for card getting burnt up at such temperatures. Any way in which I can reduce the temperatures. I already have fan profile setup to auto so that it goes 100% at such temperatures.


Sep 5, 2014

I have 1 rear fan on my mid tower cabinet . GPU fan is set to run at 100% manually. I now have opened the cabinet side so that more air can go in. but no effect on temperature still. Should I buy a GPU cooler? if yes please suggest a cheaper one that comes in 10 to 15 $.

It could be that you have a browser open running flash video on it. Check your adobe flash for hardware acceleration to see if this is on; if it's not check your browser (mostly IE and Chrome) that could enabling hardware acceleration.

If this isn't the problem, then the only other option I can think of is your PSU.



Sep 5, 2014
I just cleaned my cpu and GPU both. GPU had a lot of dust over its big heat sink cleaned it all the way, didnt change the thermal paste as I didnt remove the hit sink. Did change my CPU thermal paste. I ran a stress test and benchmark using MSI kombuster and the max temp was 88 degrees now. I think it was the dust that was causing heat. So I guess problem solved.

Good luck with all later experiences :)