I'm looking the MSI GTX 960 2GB TwinFrozr as a new graphics card.
The box says "400W or greater power supply, minimum 12V current rating of 42A"
Is the 42A really a "requirement" or is it more of a "nice to have"
I have a Corsair CX430, and corsair's site says 28A.
This is my mobo - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157381
my CPU is an Intel i5-4670K
I wanted to get the 960 series because it only required a 400W power supply. If I have to get a bigger power supply, I will probably get something in the 970 series.
The box says "400W or greater power supply, minimum 12V current rating of 42A"
Is the 42A really a "requirement" or is it more of a "nice to have"
I have a Corsair CX430, and corsair's site says 28A.
This is my mobo - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157381
my CPU is an Intel i5-4670K
I wanted to get the 960 series because it only required a 400W power supply. If I have to get a bigger power supply, I will probably get something in the 970 series.