Okay. My processor did cost about 1500$ in Norwegian prises, and my gaming rig totally 8500-9000$, hehe.. So I don't want to to invest much more in it. Maybe I'll could buy one 980ti, but not two, it's to much money.. So it you guys say that two 90's in sli is better than one 980ti, I'll stick with it 😉 Thx for the help.
I'm playing Gta V and Witcher 3 on 3840 x 2160p @ 60 Hz res. I have everything in ultra settings in Witcher 3 at a 30-35 fps, and it runs like a dream. And everything on ultra in Gta V, but I only have X2 MSAA, because if I have x8 MSAA , my usage of vram goes from 8100 gb to 15300 gb or something, and that's overkill for my cards. But I have a fps between 40-60. It's really smooth. 60fps in Los Santos, and about 40 - 50 fps in the countryside. It's more small detail, like grass and nature at the countryside that eats up the fps.
I could wish for maybe 80 or even 100 fps at 3860 x2160 @ 60Hz, wits two 980ti sli, but I don't know if that's realistic. But I always want better and better, if you know what I mean 😉