Msi Gtx980 4G sli Gtx980 6G


Yes 2 980's is much better than 1 980 Ti. Please watch this video by JayzTwoCents:

If you want to see the benchmarks watch the whole thing, if you want to see the conclusion skip to about 8 minutes.
When you mentioned the MSI GTX 980 GAMING "6G" you must have meant to write GTX 980 Ti 6G. To my knowledge there is no MSI 980 6G (6 Gigabyte). I verified this at MSI's website:

If my statement is true then no, you can't SLI them. They are different cards. The GTX 980 Ti has more in common with the Titan X, and you couldn't SLI those either. Sorry. If my assumption on your post is mistakenly, please let us know and we'll help you figure out your problem.
There is no 6GB version of the 980. But the 980 Ti does have 6GB of RAM. So if you mean can I SLI a standard 980 with a 980 Ti then the answer is no because they're different cards and in order to SLI the 2 or more cards must be the same.
Ok, that's too bad.. My next question then. I have 2 Gtx980 GAMIMG 4G cards in sli. Is this a better setup than a singel Gtx980 Ti 6G? I also have a i7 5960x processor, a Asus Rampage extreme V motherboard and 32gb Dominator c-15 ram and a Corsair Axi 1500w PSU. Will one of these new 6gb card be better on my Sony 4k tv? I'm thinking fps.
980 Ti is a pretty strong choice for 4k, although it won't crush everything with just one. The higher VRAM is important for high resolutions like 4k. If I were you I would buy 2 980 Ti's and sell the 980's.
Liquid Cyanide, first of all, that is a bad-ass processor. You don't come across many people on this site with 5960X's. Thing must have cost $1,000 - $1,100. Wow. Anyway, I recommend that you not upgrade anything before E3 on June 16th. See what AMD releases. There is a chance that it might encourage Nvidia to lower prices on the Ti. It's unlikely to happen, but it's only three days away, therefore it's worth seeing for yourself. Your GTX 980's in SLI will slaughter a single 980 Ti. Therefore, if you're not considering purchasing two cards, then don't bother.

More important question: What games do you play? What resolution? What settings? What FPS do you currently get? What FPS would you like to achieve with the upgrade?

Yes 2 980's is much better than 1 980 Ti. Please watch this video by JayzTwoCents:

If you want to see the benchmarks watch the whole thing, if you want to see the conclusion skip to about 8 minutes.
Okay. My processor did cost about 1500$ in Norwegian prises, and my gaming rig totally 8500-9000$, hehe.. So I don't want to to invest much more in it. Maybe I'll could buy one 980ti, but not two, it's to much money.. So it you guys say that two 90's in sli is better than one 980ti, I'll stick with it 😉 Thx for the help.
I'm playing Gta V and Witcher 3 on 3840 x 2160p @ 60 Hz res. I have everything in ultra settings in Witcher 3 at a 30-35 fps, and it runs like a dream. And everything on ultra in Gta V, but I only have X2 MSAA, because if I have x8 MSAA , my usage of vram goes from 8100 gb to 15300 gb or something, and that's overkill for my cards. But I have a fps between 40-60. It's really smooth. 60fps in Los Santos, and about 40 - 50 fps in the countryside. It's more small detail, like grass and nature at the countryside that eats up the fps.
I could wish for maybe 80 or even 100 fps at 3860 x2160 @ 60Hz, wits two 980ti sli, but I don't know if that's realistic. But I always want better and better, if you know what I mean 😉
I hear what you're saying. And I think that I must say what everyone else here is thinking: It's not possible for you to view above 60 FPS on your 4K 60 Hz monitor because it's only 60 Hz. You along with the rest of the world will need to wait for DP 1.3 (Display Port 1.3 standard) to be implemented on both video cards and monitors. For the record, the GTX 980 Ti only has DP 1.2 (4K 60Hz). Nvidia's Tom Peterson was on a PC Perspective live podcast last week in order to talk about the GTX 980 Ti. During the podcast there was a live IRC chat and I attempted to have the moderator ask why the newest Nvidia card didn't have DP 1.3 but my question was overlooked until after the live event had ended, unfortunately.

This has been a really fun thread. Thanks for starting it.