After a few months of using my K7T266 Pro2 mother board I really thought highly of them untill I started having problems... Every 6 hours (not exactly) or sometimes a few times during the day my computer will just be sitting at a blue screen that says no_page_on_page_error or somthing along those lines it mentions how mabey it could be my bios causing the problems or hardware or software. Then it begins a physical memory dump. I have not installed anything new. My specs are: XP 1900. kT7266 Pro2, 1024 MB Samsung DDR 2700, 40 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive, and a Ge Force 3 Ti 200. All this hardware is good quality so I can't figure out whats causing the problem I just need some suggestions on how I could fix it. It's really anyoying to wake up find my computer dead. thanks.
why live just to die?
why live just to die?