msi help..


Oct 13, 2002
After a few months of using my K7T266 Pro2 mother board I really thought highly of them untill I started having problems... Every 6 hours (not exactly) or sometimes a few times during the day my computer will just be sitting at a blue screen that says no_page_on_page_error or somthing along those lines it mentions how mabey it could be my bios causing the problems or hardware or software. Then it begins a physical memory dump. I have not installed anything new. My specs are: XP 1900. kT7266 Pro2, 1024 MB Samsung DDR 2700, 40 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive, and a Ge Force 3 Ti 200. All this hardware is good quality so I can't figure out whats causing the problem I just need some suggestions on how I could fix it. It's really anyoying to wake up find my computer dead. thanks.

why live just to die?
First off get a new motherboard. MSI has gone downhill bad(MSI support<-- is no longer!!!!!!!!). K now have you tried making sure all the bios setting are right? everything is pluged in tight, you have a powersupply, powerful enough for what you are running and have you tried just formatting and reinstalling windows? Oh what windows are you using? if it is XP that could be the problem as well. the reason I say this is cause I had XP and got rid of it cause it's auto driver updater sucks!!! It finds the first driver it comes to and loads it in. Leaving you to think that it has found the best, most up to date drivers available and your computer starts doing strange things after a while. well that is all for now. If I think of anything else I will be sure to let you know.
I have the same board as you do and had the same problem with random blue screen day it wouldnt boot at all without showing the blue ended up being of my memory sticks= was going bad...after figuring that out...I replaced it with a high perf stick of mushkin pc2100 and havent had a problem since....I have owned asus, abit, epox favorite so far is my abit and my msi boards....I get great stabibilty out of this mobo (other that that one time) and I overclock (144fsb) ...not insanely high but stable...good luck with your problem
Had the same memory dump problem on mine - problem was the power connector to the HDD, replaced it and no more problems

INTELigence is gained by obtaining aMD
Just worked on an MSI based system that was experiencing BSODs. I removed the Ram and cleaned the contacts with Isapropyl Alcohol and blew out the slot. Runs fine now. Try it. What have you got to lose?

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