MSI Launches No Fewer Than Six GeForce GT 1030 Graphics Cards

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@Blackbit75, I bet most sub-1080p displays are from phone browsers, and most of the rest are laptop screens, neither of which are relevant wrt add-on GPUs.

What a bizarre comment. These are completely different cards at completely different price points. And why would you buy a Titan Black off Ebay when you can get a retail 1070, which performs much better, for around the same price?

ive never taken a business or marketing class so this is a completely unresearched guess...
but when you look at a shelf with 10 items on it. and 5 of those items are 1 brand, and the other 5 are different brands... you have a much higher chance of choosing the brand with half the items.

maybe thats at least part of the reason? you'll be searching newegg and half your screen with be MSI.
That's assuming a vendor is likely to offer most versions.
Most vendors will most likely just pick one or two and stick to those.

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