MSI Motherboard Ram Support


Nov 29, 2014
Hello Everyone,
I am thinking of building a budget PC with the MSI H81M-P33 Motherboard with Intel Pentium Dual Core G3220. The problem is that, will this motherboard support every type of DDR3 RAM or will it support only the specific RAM's which are stated in the motherboard RAM support page. The motherboard support 1600MHz Frequency but the Processor only supports 1333MHz as the Maximum Ram Support. What happens if I add a 1600MHz RAM will the processor be compatible with it. I am thinking of buying some RAM which is not stated in the RAM support page and it is a 1333MHz Transcend RAM. Will it work fine with both my processor as well as the Motherboard. Please give me some RAM suggestions and clear the doubt of RAM support too

Thanks in Advance

They are compatible.

You can add the DDR3-1600 ram with your motherboard and CPU, but since the CPU officially supports DDR3-1333, the ram will just run at a lower speed. The ram you are looking at is compatible with your motherboard and CPU since it is DDR3-1333.

Thank For Your Reply, Will this RAM supports ? Corsair Vengeance DDR3 (CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9)

Can you tell me the specifications of the RAM? That way, I will know what RAM I am looking at.


this RAM supports 1600MHz and has a CAS Latency of 9 i also stated the model number itself.....


They are compatible.


Thank You so Much and what about the 1333MHz Transcend RAM JM1333KLH-4G this ram has 1333MHz and supports a latency of 9 and 240 pin configuration.