[SOLVED] MSI optix motion blur

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Oct 2, 2020
Hey Tomshardware Forum, long time lurker here. Hope you can help me solve my problem.

So, after having an old dell 60hz monitor for a long time, i decided to try a 144hz monitor. So i just bought a new monitor (MSI 27" Optix MAG272QP) but im getting motion blur on it.
When i scroll webpages, or when i move in games. The motion blur in games are like that the texture color gets dragged the way i move, and looks unsharp. On webpages, the letters have like a shadow after them when i scroll. Ofc its only short, but its annoying to look at anway.
I have tried for two days now, with what ever i could think of to try and solve this problem, also tried googling it first.

My graphics card is a MSI Radeon RX Vega 56 Air Boost 8G

Resolution: 2560x1440

Things i have triede, that didnt solve it.

Update the AMD software and driver.
Having both FreeSync disabled and enabled, both in the monitor settings and in the AMD Software.

All of the different settings that the monitor have to offer. Anti Motion Blur, both on and off. All the HZ modes. 60, 144 and 165. Sharpness from 0 to 4. HDCR mode on and off. Just to mention a few.
Adjusting Windows ClearType.

Different cables, one of them is ratet for 4k @ 60hz

Hope someone has a suggestion for something i can try to solve this.
Yes it does. I have over 160 FPS in the games i have testet, and they all seem the same.

Now that i learned its called ghosting, googling it seems that lot of people have this problem with MSI optix. Wonder if i should return the monitor instead.
Its common with VA panels. To be honest on mine somehow after like a month the problem solved i thought changing the response time was the solution. Also the joystic for the menu sometimes works some times not. If you can return it and get like an IPS one should be better. But it may stop doing it after some time.
Hey Tomshardware Forum, long time lurker here. Hope you can help me solve my problem.

So, after having an old dell 60hz monitor for a long time, i decided to try a 144hz monitor. So i just bought a new monitor (MSI 27" Optix MAG272QP) but im getting motion blur on it.
When i scroll webpages, or when i move in games. The motion blur in games are like that the texture color gets dragged the way i move, and looks unsharp. On webpages, the letters have like a shadow after them when i scroll. Ofc its only short, but its annoying to look at anway.
I have tried for two days now, with what ever i could think of to try and solve this problem, also tried googling it first.

My graphics card is a MSI Radeon RX Vega 56 Air Boost 8G

Resolution: 2560x1440

Things i have triede, that didnt solve it.

Update the AMD software and driver.
Having both FreeSync disabled and enabled, both in the monitor settings and in the AMD Software.

All of the different settings that the monitor have to offer. Anti Motion Blur, both on and off. All the HZ modes. 60, 144 and 165. Sharpness from 0 to 4. HDCR mode on and off. Just to mention a few.
Adjusting Windows ClearType.

Different cables, one of them is ratet for 4k @ 60hz

Hope someone has a suggestion for something i can try to solve this.
I have the same monitor i guess you mean not motion blur but ghosting. I had the same issue. Go to your monitor menu Gaming -> Response Time and change it from fastest to fast this will probably fix your problem.
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I have the same monitor i guess you mean not motion blur but ghosting. I had the same issue. Go to your monitor menu Gaming -> Response Time and change it from fastest to fast this will probably fix your problem.

As i wrote, i tried ALL settings on the monitor.

Atm its at Fast. Fastest makes it worse, and Normal dosnt seem to great either. But thanks for your input.
Does your problem happens to every single game even the games that you can have high fps so you can match your monitor refresh rate?

Yes it does. I have over 160 FPS in the games i have testet, and they all seem the same.

Now that i learned its called ghosting, googling it seems that lot of people have this problem with MSI optix. Wonder if i should return the monitor instead.
Yes it does. I have over 160 FPS in the games i have testet, and they all seem the same.

Now that i learned its called ghosting, googling it seems that lot of people have this problem with MSI optix. Wonder if i should return the monitor instead.
Its common with VA panels. To be honest on mine somehow after like a month the problem solved i thought changing the response time was the solution. Also the joystic for the menu sometimes works some times not. If you can return it and get like an IPS one should be better. But it may stop doing it after some time.
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