hi i need help im upgrading my graphics card and this is my motherboard http://www.gigabyte.ph/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4394#ov i want to put this graphics card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127790... will graphics card work
with my motherboard? i dont need to change my psu because i have 750 watts with 6 pins all i need to know if the graphics card will work with my mother board....
pls i need some help...
motherboard: Gigabyte A55M-DS2
with my motherboard? i dont need to change my psu because i have 750 watts with 6 pins all i need to know if the graphics card will work with my mother board....
pls i need some help...
motherboard: Gigabyte A55M-DS2