MSI R9 390 Not passing VR Test

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Jan 14, 2017
So I recently installed an MSI R9 390 8gb Gaming Vid Card to my computer but it will not pass the VR Test and steam attributes it to the Gfx Card, (Specifically states R9 390 when saying failed)

OS : Windows 7 64bit
Ram : 2x Gskill Ripjaw 1600 / 1x Hyperx 1600
CPU : Amd fx-6300
GPU : MSI R9 390
PSU : 600w Evga
Monitor : Acer 24" 144hz

My Motherboard was only equipped with a PCI 2.0 16x and not a 3.0 but from what I read online the 3.0 and 2.0 shouldn't have that drastic of an effect when it comes to the VR Test..

All my drivers are updated because they were all downloaded yesterday when the unit was installed. Perhaps Vsync or something is still on? The thing wont push passed 40fps in the Test which can't be right as lower cards are pushing more.

I'm down to thinking PSU Not supplying enough power or it must be due to the PCI 2.0 16x thus forcing me to upgrade either my PSU or Motherboard.

Any/all answers are appreciated, trying to get it to pass this VR test this weekend.
Question from AlphaRipLife : "Not Passing VR Test?"

Well that's what I was beginning to think my self. I decided to download and run MSI Kombustor after reading your post. I ran the bench mark and I think I scored really, really low compared to what I think I should have with this card.

I didn't do anything prior to installing this card as I read AMD did a pretty good clean up job on its own. So could there be a potential conflict with a driver that wasn't removed from my 750TI?

Bench Mark :

MSI AfterBurner shot for more information.

Stress Test not going so hot.

Thank you for your response Sakkura.
Alright so I have found the issue and I have come back to post it in case anyone else has this issue. I really hate people who don't return and finish the thread with their solution, so here we are.

I uninstalled all previous traces of my 750TI drivers and reinstalled all of my 390 drivers. Still got 40fps.

I went into the settings and changed Virtual Super Resolution to On. Problem resolved.

Thank you for this op! I actually just got an R9 390 for my FX-6300 as well, and wasn't sure wether I could handle VR well or not.
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