Msi R9 390 vs. Msi Gtx 970


Sep 30, 2015
I've been having a hard time deciding between these two gpus, sooooo i was wondering if i could get some opinions of which gpu i should purchase and WHY i should. I'm sticking with the Msi versions because it matches my color scheme.
Well the 390 runs a bit hotter and uses more power but it is more powerfull than the 970 (by a bit). Early dx12 benchmarks also show that the 390 gains a lot more prefomance than the 970 although for now we cant know for sure.Personally i would go with the 390. Both of these cards are good though, i have the ECGA 970 and i dont have any complaints
Buy a custom 290X and outperform both for less cash. AMD drivers have improved the performance of all their 2xx/3xx series cards. An overclocked 290X will beat out a 970/390/390X and stock clocked 980. Best cost to performance ratio for a card in the $300-350 price range right now. 390X is just a rebrand of the 290X with a 50MHz bump on the core clock.

The Sapphire Tri-X 290X preforms and overclocks beautifully. I have several friends that own it and have nothing but great things to say. Card is $329 on Newegg.

Plus 390 has 4 gb more ram, higher clock speed, and generates less heat and uses less power. And yet the r9 390 is cheaper in my country.