About a month ago i bought a MSI Radeon Hd 7770 graphics card for my budget computer build. It works great but i thought i wouldn't be using it to its fullest if i didnt OC the card with its capabilities. I then decided to try the overclocking program that came with the graphics card, the msi after burner. When i attempted to slowly add more MHz to its core clock and memory clock, it seemed to become extremely unstable. Right now the best i can overclock it to is only about 20 MHz above its normal core and memory clock. It seems others are able to push their core clock to atleast 1150, while i cant go any further than 1025 without risking constant crashes. My PSU is 600W btw, and i have the latest drivers from the MSI website. At peak performance my card also gets to 55 degrees Celsius, which shouldn't be a problem. Any one have any ideas on why my card seems to be so unstable?