MSI Releases Radeon R9 270X Gaming 4G Graphics Card

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Now hurry up and release the twin frozr r9 290(x). As far as 4gb of vram, from my understanding, midrange cards can't fully utilize all of the memory for processing power but it still helps with mods like in skyrim.
all that ram is for xfire... those cards are just strong enough while in xfire to be ram bottlenecked by 2gb of vram in a ram intensive game at high resolutions. bf4 for example uses more then 2gb of vram at 1440p and ultra... the r9-270x is strong enough in xfire to game at 1440p in bf4. so more vram would be ideal to prevent ram bottlenecking.
quangluu96 , December 14, 2013 7:20 PM
Who the hell game with 4GB on a mid range card ._.

Noone. But I will use it for hardware rendering from Maya. So sick of getting error because the scene doesn't fit the VRAM. Mainstream video cards are not only for gamers. If it doesn't make sense to a gamer, it makes sense elsewhere.
i guess the more ram would be useful if you ran them in crossfire for 4k or eyefinity, well at least when they release a proper fix for the crossfire + 3 display/4k issues. or maybe a lot of AA + 1440p.. they cant go 3gb because of the memory bus layout, so they have to go up to 4, so long as its not priced much above the 2gb it will be of use to someone.
Well, i had the same question in mind like other people "who the hell buys a midrange card with 4GBram?". The answer is, people with lower budget who need the card for rendereing i.e and have games as a hobby (like students). Also, CF is not neglected here 😀
A pair of these in crossfire would be exactly equal to one r9 290, spec for spec. At which point you'd be be better off with one of those anyways.
That doesn't mean they've bypassed the limitations. They just use fp16 precision (like in games) instead of fp32 which are now limited everywhere except in the titan :-(

If they want to limit the performance of gaming cards in professional apps, they'll likely do it by requiring separate drivers. They don't get to pick how much VRAM third-parties put on their own products. MSI's boards are MSI's business.

More VRAM helps in some pro apps, relatively speaking, but it doesn't make the kind of difference we see in workstation cards.

It comes in handy for extensive texture mods in games like Skyrim. I am planning on upgrading to 2x 770 4GB models sooner or later, from my 2x 2GB 7870s. My Skyrim actually runs poorly because I have too many texture mods and the memory is full.
I am sligthly pissed about this, I'll have to wait til a price comes out before I decide if I'm really pissed or not.

I just bought a regular 2GB 270x like a week ago. Mine is overclocked to around the same speeds & everything, only real difference is the 4GB. I really want that 4GB though, thats the kind of memory you see on a much higher-ranged card.
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