Question MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z fitting


Feb 14, 2015
Hey everyone, so recently I purchased an MSI 2060 and since its my very first RTX card I was blind to the size of the heat sink
and upon installing noticed how fat it was inside the case. To make things short I am unable to close my side panel without smashing my gpu's cables & card in. 2060&cm_re=rtx_2060-_-14-137-379-_-Product
So, im looking for a new case with good clearance.
(My build is Matx.)

Currently I have the Corsiar Air 240.

And I after some digging found a very nice clean/simple case.

Would I have the same clearance troubles if i go for another Matx case?
If you guys have any other suggestions id be happy to take a look!

Thank You!!
The Carbide Air 240 has 2 compartments. I never knew the "main" compartment was so narrow. The NZXT case you mentioned should give you more than enough width though. I'll say it like this, you happen to have a case that has this issue, while most cases won't ever give you the same problem.