Question MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z,new but no warranty,would you buy it?


Jun 30, 2018
I'm low on budget.I thought buying this card new for 340 euros,but seller doesn't give warranty.
New card with warranty is 100 eur more.
I know it's a risk,since it's MSI and Gaming Z I'd tkae my chances.
What is your opinion?
How unlucky a guy must be to have issues with this card if bought new (no warranty)?
In all likelihood, you'd have a manufacturer warranty, regardless.

Officially, some of the manufacturer's only provide warranty service to the original purchaser, but get the serial number, go to MSI's website & attempt to register. Once it's registered in your name, you'll be fine re: warranty for the balance of the term.

Where are you in Europe exactly? 340EUR seems excessive for a used 2060 when new cards can be had in that same general pricepoint, but all depends on local availability.
For example, in Germany a Palit StormX is 345EUR:

In Spain, a StormX OC is 325EUR:

Netherlands, a Gigabyte card is a little under 370EUR:

FRance, an EVGA Black is ~330EUR:

So it really depends on your local pricing..... but looks like a new 2060 shouldn't cost you >400EUR, regardless of where you are.
I'm in Bosnia,all IT equipment is expensive here.
manufacturers warranty doesn't mean nothing to me,because I don't live in America.Shiping this card to MSI would cost me a lot.
Dude 430 euros is new one here.The taxes are huge here.
Nope,not MSI center near me,just Asus besides that if you have any issues with pc cpomonents they tell you to contact your supplier/seller.
In my case he doesn't offer warranty so that's useless.
Nope,not MSI center near me,just Asus besides that if you have any issues with pc cpomonents they tell you to contact your supplier/seller.
In my case he doesn't offer warranty so that's useless.

Yes, there is. There's one in Croatia.

Either way, if a 2060 for 430EUR is a good price in your area, then only you can decide if the "lack" of warranty is a fair tradeoff for ~100EUR.
Might be worth exploring a 1660TI too, depending on price.... or even a 1660. It's not quite on par performance-wise vs a 2060, but the TI is usually priced ~25% less and the 1660 even less.
About $300 equivalent.

Worth checking benchmarks, to see if a 1660 would do the job for you.
Yeah I checked that msi support but as I mentioned if you contact them they ask you where did you buy it and to contact that seller.
They offer warranty only if you buy card directly from them.
Prices for 1660 Ti are high as well here,around 300-320 euros depending on model.
But I don't think that model is good choice for future gaming at 1080p,so I asked about RTX 2060.
Yeah I checked that msi support but as I mentioned if you contact them they ask you where did you buy it and to contact that seller.
They offer warranty only if you buy card directly from them.

AFAIK, MSI do not sell direct.
In a lot of regions, including Europe, the retailer is the first port of call as they liase with the manufacturers - but that does not invalidate the manufacturer's warranty directly, as stores can go out of business etc.

If the card is used, that's one thing. As I would expect local consumer laws to take precedence, but I would fully expect the retailer to be comfortable enough to warrant a product, if new (as required by law/manufacturer handles anyway) or even if lightly used.
Given it's only been 6 months since the 2060 came to market, the fact the retailer won't offer a warranty themselves, nor does it sound like they'd be prepared to liase with MSI on your behalf,..... I'd be inclined to avoid that retailer.

Prices for 1660 Ti are high as well here,around 300-320 euros depending on model.
But I don't think that model is good choice for future gaming at 1080p,so I asked about RTX 2060.

A 1660TI is in the same general ballpark as a 2060, usually within about 10%, but varies depending on the title.
Either a 1660TI or 2060 will last you a long time at 1080p. Sure, the 1660TI lacks the full RTX ability..... but really, the 2060 isn't a card that should be offered as a "true" raytracing card anyway.

If a 1660TI is the same price(ish) as what I can only assume is a used 2060 with no easily accessible warranty, I'd take the 1660TI all day long.
I could get 1660 Ti gaming Z for 290 euros brand new without warranty.
Would I go for it?
Since I'm low on budget I can afford the one with warranty which is 50 eur more expensive.
But the problem with warranty is when you contact ASUS MSI or other support they tell you that you contact your supplier (local store) where you bought it,but I'm buying it from a guy who buys it probably who knows how and where without warranty.