MSI TF GTX770 help


Dec 8, 2013
Hi, im still new to the master race and wanted to know if an i5-4670k with a GTX 770 will run most of my games at a steady 60FPS on ultra settings on a single 1080p tv? should I save for a 780 or is that overkill?
No, you won't, that PSU is more than enough for the 780, you could even SLI with it.
And no, the i5 4670k won't bottleneck the 780. In fact, that's the best CPU you can get if you're only going to play. If you're going to render/edit though, you should consider the i7 4770k.
No, the 770 can't handle all current games on ultra in 1080p at 60fps. The most demanding games like Far Cry 3, Crysis 3 and the next gen games drop a bit below that. If you have the money, get a 780 at a good price ($490-520) and you will be future proof for more time. If you don't, get a 770, because it is a freaking good card

would I have to upgrade my Corsair Enthusiast 850W 80+ Bronze C PSU for the 780?

Oh and would the 4670k bottleneck the 780?
No, you won't, that PSU is more than enough for the 780, you could even SLI with it.
And no, the i5 4670k won't bottleneck the 780. In fact, that's the best CPU you can get if you're only going to play. If you're going to render/edit though, you should consider the i7 4770k.