MSI X370 Gaming Pro Carbon: Fans spinning the wrong way?


Aug 3, 2009
Hey guys. I'm building a new Ryzen 5 1600 based system and I've had a little trouble on the way. At the moment I'm stumped as to why all my fans are spinning in the direction opposite that they would normally spin. The motherboard is an MSI X370 Gaming Pro Carbon. If you could please watch this video and provide some feedback, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Edit: I was completely wrong. The fans are spinning the right direction. Sorry guys.
LOL they're not spinning the wrong way, thats the correct way, think of it like this, the large part of the fan blade scoops the air and then pushes it down to the thin part of the fan blade and down into the heatsink.

The rear one for instance, if you put your hand at the backof the case, can you feel air coming out, the answer is yes.
Can't tell about front fans, but rear and CPU fans are definitely spinning in correct direction. Rear fan is working on exhaust now (as it should), and CPU fan blows air down on CPU (again as it should).