MSI x99s xpower titanium, powers up with no post.


Sep 30, 2017
Starting, im running:

16GB corsair vengeance lpx (2x8gb)
GTX 1070 zotac (Can't recall model)
i7 5820k, base clock. (No OC)
2tb seagate barracuda ide (no boot ssd atm)
EVGA supernova 750w g2

Just replaced motherboard after last one died in a power surge. ( my power backup was expired apparently... didn't know those expired..) But anyways. Everything is hooked up right as far as I'm aware. Psu and GTX 1070 were tested in another pc, 100% operational. Tried ram in both configurations of slits 1-3, and 1-5. The issue being my pc doesn't post. All the fans, including you and psu come in and the LED in them come on, but no boot screen, no anything on either display. CPU and ram lights on right of motherboard near the 24 pin are flashing, first one then the other continuously.

Error codes, 19, 55, 64, 67.

Assuming my cpu may have went with the old mobo. If someone could confirm or deny this, that would be swell. Thanks!!
This fixed teh same issue I had in 2 differnet pc's both running EVGA Psu'a.

With the system off, unplug only the 24pin from the motherbd. insert the evga dongle into the 24pin thats in your hand. Let the psu run for about 20 seconds then remove the dongle and reconncet the 24pin to the motherbd and see if it works now.
Tried this, same issue. This MOBO (the X99S Xpower Gaming Titanium) has a 8 pin + 4 pin power for CPU(jpwr2) and my psu only has 8pin for the cpu power... is this possibly the problem? im going to try a clear cmos later on today after work to see if that has any effect.

it sits on 19 for the longest but then flashes over the other ones repetitively.

in the process of cleaning/making sure all of the cables and everything were seated correctly. i noticed some discoloration on the bottom of the CPU on the contacts.
didnt take a picture, but this doesn't bode well. also tried with 1 ram stick (attempted with both 8gb sticks 1 at a time). same errors.