MSI Z170A Gaming Pro (Not Carbon) vs Asus 1151 Z170 Pro Gaming/Aura


Sep 29, 2016
Hi everyone.

I am finishing buying my build now. I am stuck with mobo because the mobo I wanted to buy is out of stock for I don't know how long. It is the MSI. I like the red theme.

I'll be using a red case from NZXT s340. Putting in i7 6700k and GTX 1080 FTW.

But the board is out of stock. So I am chasing alternatives. Forgot to mention, I am a fan of RGB. So I as recommended the aforementioned Asus. I think feature wise they are very similar. I think the MSI can overclock the RAM faster. Does the MSI have anything (apart the red accents) over the Asus that is worth waiting for?

I know the Asus has the 3d print ready thingy. Don't care for thata bit.

Thanks guys.

P.S. I saw other threads on this, but wasnt very satisfied with the solution, that MSI has poorer QC.

Sorry, but I am not understanding what I'm supposed see in the link. So you reckon the Asus is the better choice.