n0ns3ns3 :
Crashman :
From the article Page 1 "All six of the fan headers feature both PWM-based and voltage-based fan speed control." It's discussed a bit more in the firmware section, these are manually select-able.
thank you for pointing me to the right section.
Really should have read it more thoroughly
was so annoyed by "10 phases" that "I totally lost the focus".
When most companies quit saying how they were split, I pretty-much quit looking because of following prior issues:
1.) I get more power from six 45A phases than ten 10A phases. We once tested a board with 24 little tiny voltage regulators running parallel.
2.) I could guess at how they were divided, but that doesn't always work. Sometimes a board will have six phases on the back and six on the side, but be split as 8/4 based on where the circuits go. And I can't always follow the circuits visually.
3.) Six phases will usually get you smooth power delivery, but very few companies tell you the ampacity, and some regulator designs have insufficient chokes and caps to keep the output smooth even with eight or more phases. Other boards have super-smooth regulation on four phases, though very few boards have enough amps per phase to make four-phase an overclocker's solution.
So, I turn to overclocking. A relatively small difference in the O/C result can be due to a relatively large difference in output quality.