MSI z270 sli plus - XMP not working

it's a kabylake i5 3.4. everything else is working flawlessly (other than no bios beep and power led, hdd led works) double and triple checked those.

I'll try the manual route. just seems odd.

when I get a chance i'll reach out to g.skill. never had any problems with them before. thanks.

I have same mobo and exactly same problem with my G.Skill Ripjaw V kit

If i set my timings manualy i get same OC error on boot. All I can do is set manual profile to 3000MHz 16,16,16, everything higher causes errors
My rams and XMP was working fine with my previous MSI Z270 PC Mate board.

Sorry my bad english!
Sorry I never followed up on this. My issue turned out to be a bad stick of RAM. Newegg replaced but the downside of this is that i had to send the whole package of ram back. This left me without a cpu for over a week. G.Skill only wanted the bad stick but wanted shipping.

You hear about bad sticks all the time, but this was the first for me. This is how you can troubleshoot. Leave one stick in and try xmp. If it works, good. Then swap the previously tested stick with the other stick. If it doesn't work, now you know which stick is bad. If it does work then you have another problem.

For me, the ram worked but not at the settings i paid for, so it was worth the downtime. Nowadays most of us have tablets and laptops or even other older ram to survive during downtime.