I've had my build from last year which was my first ever attempt at building, it all went smooth except for the past year my USB 3.0 front panels haven't been working, not really bothered me until now.
I'll plug something into the port and my PC pops up with USB device not recognized.
My steps so far have been to follow the cable, check to see if I made a mistake and plugged it in wrong, but all I noticed was that it wasn't full connected (I think), so I've pushed the plug into my mobo so It was definitely connected, but still no avail.
I'll link pictures to what the cable looks like..
http://imgur.com/a/cyfoz (can't post images)?
I'll plug something into the port and my PC pops up with USB device not recognized.
My steps so far have been to follow the cable, check to see if I made a mistake and plugged it in wrong, but all I noticed was that it wasn't full connected (I think), so I've pushed the plug into my mobo so It was definitely connected, but still no avail.
I'll link pictures to what the cable looks like..
http://imgur.com/a/cyfoz (can't post images)?