MSNBC News Special Report: Great protest song of the 60's remembered

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Not quite up to the angst level of Debbie Reynolds but Country Joe McDonald expressed my feelings quite well.

Thankfully, when my number came up it was something like 347; and the draft had ended the previous year. If I'd been a year younger I would have been Grade-A Prime *14* in the induction line.

If you are ranking The Greatest, Robert Zimmerman wins with Subterranean Homesick Blues -- quite possibly the first music video.

And still relevant 46 years later ... 😛

Jeez ... your old too.

I'll see if we can make some modifications to the website for you old guys.

Let me see ...

1. dims the screen a bit
2. installs handles on the e-toilet (thats news and leisure)
3 rescripts the ads for viagra, denture paste and insurance
4. turns down the volume
5. muzzles doggy and the rest of the rowdy young ones.

Here is something to sooth you old guys ...
1. dims the screen a bit
2. installs handles on the e-toilet (thats news and leisure)
3 rescripts the ads for viagra, denture paste and insurance
4. turns down the volume
5. muzzles doggy and the rest of the rowdy young ones.

Here is something to sooth you old guys ...

- existing pain reliever ads should be made into pop ups as long as they don't scare us.
- repaint the parking lot lines so we don't park crooked or run through the building when we step on the gas instead of the brake.
- encourage double posting so we don't forget only reading it once.
- display emergency 800 numbers and disclaimers in bold type. After four hours it's painful to find reading glasses much less put pants on and drive to the ER.

Remind doggy and winnebago we are talkin' about my generation baby.

A message "For the old people and the kids."

When I retire I want to live in this home.

Hey badge, member this one?

Coming out of the surreal, uneventful 60's, it's the peaceful times of that era I remember most. Like the time Washington D.C and every other large city east of the Missi was burned down. Then the cause for peace thing of the era got together to march down my street with fire bombs and guns should anyone even think about challenging their display of peaceful assembly. Helping my father line up the rifles and stack the ammuntion ready to be carried to the attic is one of those uneventful, peaceful times I remember most. I still remember the lesson my father taught me as a result of those woodstock era socialization changing times of peace, flower power and free love. "They are not burning me out of my house. I'll open fire on the SOB's!" Then Carter got in and hope and change spread through the streets like wildfire. Thank god the first alien president never brought his party to full fruition to completely destroy the nation before Obama got his shot. We'd all be in jail facing east on our prayer rugs pissing in a hole behind bars by now. His predessors would still be writing useless peace treatys and planet Obama would be pawning far away alien nations like San Francisco and Massacheuttes where taxes should totally be raised. If the Dems like him so much, let them pay higher taxes and take one up the arse for the gipper.

I remember the crew cut types, and as then as today see the relationship of the so called overbearing "tolerance" those same extremists hold so dear, where no one can stop their "peace" movement, as thats considered inhuman, yet their tolerance is so abundant, and the zealots have never ever tried to take the lead in all the movements, ever.
They can kill in the name of peace those that dont get in line with their "peace? movement, and condone such actions in the name of "peace".
With such circular logic, its no wonder how zealots end up on top, while cooler and brighter minds are either swallowed up in the movements, or crucified as traitors to the human ethic.
Imagine the horror as these "purists" of peace and human consciousness lay on their deathbeds, reconciling with whatever they assume responsible for their very own being here on planet gaia, that alas, theyve become.... the man
Part deaux:
Desperation drove the likes of the peace movements, burning of bras etc for many reasons.
It allowed for change, a common vision of "betterment" amongst all who aligned themselves.
Seen by people early in years and experience as the right and only thing to do.
Thus conciousness amongst the many became a reality, instead of reality itself, wherein circular logic is self justified, as in killing, burning, destroying or harming peoples, property or the environment was "OK" in the name of peace.
These inexperienced, young crowd all wanted to be a part of a larger thing, many turning from their faiths as was known, to join in the faith of man, with "the ideal" approach to comfort and evolve man forwards, for the sake of man.
Shame on those that didnt embrace such ethics, as those werent doing it right, didnt have the finer grasps, where such terms as bigotry, racism, sexism, anti-cultural were attached to those who didnt follow in step.
All these things allowed for the the advancement of conciousness of man, as percieved by those few who got things done, the zealots.
They were at the forefront, in the news, with many a proclamation as what to do, what point of view to take, and ultimately even what terms or words to choose, as in political correctness.
The power grab by these zealots is easy to see how and why it happened and is shameful for a potential for what may have been
That would be just a harmless coincidence, and if believed to be anything more, then those that thought "different" will certainly be labeled as fringe, or wrong thinkers, and eventually, dangerous for keeping such thoughts.
They laugh, as a quick dismissal, and if continued, then condemned, as if it were dangerous.
They have their plans, their ideals. They also have previous examples to follow, as to what works best
Its as if the book 1984 was written ahead of its time, tho its time was behind the times
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