Multi WAN Same ISP (Not For Failover)


Aug 1, 2015
Can this be done I have limited internet speeds that are in my area and I was thinking about getting this with 2 lines from same ISP to use not for failover.
Yes you can but it wont be two of the same IP addresses. They will give you two different IPs.

What is the point of your two lines? Are you trying to get more speed? If so you will need to purchase a device that takes two incoming lines and migrates them into one faster line.

Look at Muti-Lan Load Balancing applications. A lot of the time you can do load balancing or load sharing options. I'm guessing you'd want load sharing to increase your bandwidth and split traffic between two incoming lines.

There is also software that can do this but software is more unreliable.
Unless the ISP offers a way to bond the connections it will not give you much. In a way that is what vdsl is compared to adsl.

The main problem you have is you have 2 different IP addresses. It will allow you to download 2 files at the same time but it will not allow you to download a single file at a faster combined rate. This is one of those fundamental things on how IP sessions work so there is no way to really "fix" this.

Even running 2 different connections and putting some traffic on one connection and other traffic on the other can be problematic. The example that most people on this forum know about is online games. You will have a login/authentication server and a actual game server. If you connect to these with different IP addresses the game will think you are hacking and disconnect you. The problem is how does the router..or even you...make sure traffic like this always has the same ip address.
There are not magic devices that can solve this problem on their own just in your house. The only devices that even have a chance of working place a device at your house and a second one in a central data center. They in effect run 2 vpn connections and the box in the data center load balances the connection.

You now have a new problem. Packets will be delivered out of order. Unless the internet connections are very close in latency this out of order will actually cause session to be dropped because the end device think there is packet loss. It also causes massive lag spikes in games. You have to be very lucky that both connection to your house are almost identical and you will still have some minor issues with out of order data.

This method is never cheap, you pay of a hardware device plus a monthly fee for the service provided by the central location. Then because this acts a VPN most video services like netflix will block usage from them.

No, you're still looking at the wrong 'solution' to the wrong 'problem'.

"Identical" speed on 2 lines makes no difference. They are not and cannot be actually "identical".

Let's go back to step 1: What is your "limited internet speed", and via what technology? DSL, cable, satellite....?

22mbps down is not really that "limited", unless you have many concurrent users.

If you DO have lots of users, and really want to pay the ISP twice, get the second line.
Put some users on one line, other users on the other line.

Trying to bond the two will be way too much work, if it ever works at all.