Multiple Backdoors Found In Sony’s 'IPELA Engine' IP Cameras

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Why is Sony always at the center of hacks, leaks, breeches, backdoors, rootkits... They seem incapable of learning anything from their past experiences when it comes to privacy and security (their's and other's).
So a multi-multi billion dollar corp. isn't capable of maintaining a team or teams of white hat hackers to screen (attempt to hack) sony products before selling millions worldwide? wow...just wow. smh
IoT, a bazzilion soon to become cancer cells on the internet. Some only need a nudge, other need a kick but in the end the result will in most cases be the same - Unless someone wakes up and take it responsibly. IMO the company that have vulnerable devices should be fined HARD so its less profitable to cut corners...

@ZAXX420: Its all about the final line on the excel sheet and cutting corners short term makes that division deliver better numbers. Sony is imo one of the least reliable companies, they had huge hacks all over the place and have a history of unprotected devices.
So a multi-multi billion dollar corp. isn't capable of maintaining a team or teams of white hat hackers to screen (attempt to hack) sony products before selling millions worldwide? wow...just wow. smh
Why should they when the overwhelming majority of people are sheep that don't seem to care that they are being spied on? Sony is the company that got away scot-free with audio CDs that added rootkits to any PC that played them... The only entities that could punish their behavior are instead complicit accomplices. It's a nasty situation and it's getting worse.
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