Multiple Cards (FireMV)


Jun 15, 2017
I'm having issues trying to run 3 FireMV 2400 cards simultaneously (crossfire). Are these cards meant to be able to do this? Is there a certain board or chipset I shouldn't be trying to use? Any advice on how I can do This or why I can't would be much appreciated.
You would need a board that enables crossfire, yes.

Some specs would help.

Also, I can't find too much info on these cards but I don't know if 3-way CF is possible with it. Looks like 2-way may be the only way possible. Try using only 2 and see if it works.

But I can't find anything that says it will work. Looks like it might not be able to support CF, especially since it uses PCIe x1 slot.
You would need a board that enables crossfire, yes.

Some specs would help.

Also, I can't find too much info on these cards but I don't know if 3-way CF is possible with it. Looks like 2-way may be the only way possible. Try using only 2 and see if it works.

But I can't find anything that says it will work. Looks like it might not be able to support CF, especially since it uses PCIe x1 slot.
Question from AHancock : "Multiple monitors on multiple cards"

Well, you must make sure your board can support crossfire. What kind of monitor baord do you have? How many monitors are you trying to use?
It doesn't support cf but why do you think you need cf? Cf does not mean running them simultaneously. Cf is for combining them. Other than gaming there is no need and I doubt you are gaming on these. You don't need cf to run them all. You can't use cf if you even want monitors on all of them. You don't need cf for workstation uses. What mobo do you have? What psu?