Multiple Cheap SLi vs Single - Benchmarks


Jan 9, 2015
I've been digging all over the internet to find ACTUAL tests of multiple SLi cheap graphics cards vs one single expensive graphics card.

Before you start saying, one nice one will always be better... I've read that a thousand times in my search. It is always said with no benchmark test results, or reference links.

So I am looking for actual benchmarks. Is anyone familiar with them? I've search all over toms and the internet, but i must be missing the proper terms they use, cause I cant imagine no one has done this.

Anyone know where there are some actual benchmarks or reviews I can look at?

PS-Sorry if this is a double post but my screen locked up and I didnt see my post when I got back on.
Theres just no actual reviews of it out there although I do agree it would be great to see those results. But like I said before, for example, I would just look up a 980 review and maybe two 770s (or 760s, maybe 4gb) in sli and compare performance. Or maybe a R9 290X and two R9 270X in CF...

*UPDATE* Most reviews use the same games/benchmarks IE:BF4/FC4/Skyrim/Catzilla/3Dmark so the comparison should be fairly easy even with different hardware/software changes.
I understand why a single is preferred and I understand mathematically that the performance gains are not as simple as Graphics Card x 2. But its driving me crazy that I cant actually find REAL tests. I'm surprised no one is at least curious how various combinations compare to each-other.

I had none specific in mind. I am just curious at the performance difference to see if there is any value in me exploring this route deeper.

Basically any high end graphics card against two lower ends that when combined together in cost are the same or less than the high end one.
Theres just no actual reviews of it out there although I do agree it would be great to see those results. But like I said before, for example, I would just look up a 980 review and maybe two 770s (or 760s, maybe 4gb) in sli and compare performance. Or maybe a R9 290X and two R9 270X in CF...

*UPDATE* Most reviews use the same games/benchmarks IE:BF4/FC4/Skyrim/Catzilla/3Dmark so the comparison should be fairly easy even with different hardware/software changes.
Well, seems like I'm chasing a rabbit in a rabbit hole. I might do this on my own and post results.

In the mean time, if anyone has any reviews, please feel free to post. :)