Multiple GPU to display 6 monitors


Jul 7, 2015
Sorry for the long message but I have a big question to support.

Could anyone give me their opinion on the possibility to run 6 monitors over 2 GPU cards on the same Asus Sabertooth x79 MB using Win7 Ultimate

I currently have 3 monitors running off an Asus GTX 980 Matrix.
1 DVI and 2 Display Ports

I have another GTX 680 GPU collecting dust which has 3 DVI ports.

Could I insert that additional card into the second PCI slot and run with another 3 monitors.
Since they are not the same make and model, I understand I cannot (should not) SLI. Is that absolutely necessary?

I am not looking for performance improvement to graphics, I want it for the purpose of utilizing all screens to display very large CAD diagrams for circuit boards or building designs. i also want to run a separate app on each monitor
Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Power Point, Project ..etc each displaying and running individually on each monitor.

It would be great if all 6 would also display the same image for a game or CAD drawing.
I guess I should also mention that all monitors are running 2560 x 1600 including the 3 new monitors.

Will I be able to display the same diagram over all monitors simultaneously.
Will I be able to display different diagrams over each monitor simultaneously.
Will there be limitations to operating apps over that many monitors.

I would really appreciate any input from the community as to what challenges I'll be facing or if it's not problem, meaning the type of ports used, display settings, operation will work without an issue.

Thank you for reading this far.

I guess there will be an increase in power demand. I run an 850W PS. Maybe i'll have to go to 1000w

Other HW includes 3 of WD HDD's, 64gig of RAM, 2 Water cooling fans, 2 of 120mm fan, 2 of DVD's rarely used,
What else uses power ....

Seeing as you already have 3 monitors then you are familiar with how multiple monitors work. Being on a different graphics card makes no difference. Just put the card in, connect the monitors and it's still all the same. Which ports you use makes no difference. Dvi, hdmi and dp all support that res. The psu you have now should be sufficient assuming it's good quality. Plus the 680 isn't going to be drawing as much power as it won't really do any work. One of the monitors connected to the 980 should be set to primary. That is which card will be used by software. I don't think there's really anything else to say. You can't sli and there are no different settings vs just using the one card you have now. You just have more monitors to play...
Seeing as you already have 3 monitors then you are familiar with how multiple monitors work. Being on a different graphics card makes no difference. Just put the card in, connect the monitors and it's still all the same. Which ports you use makes no difference. Dvi, hdmi and dp all support that res. The psu you have now should be sufficient assuming it's good quality. Plus the 680 isn't going to be drawing as much power as it won't really do any work. One of the monitors connected to the 980 should be set to primary. That is which card will be used by software. I don't think there's really anything else to say. You can't sli and there are no different settings vs just using the one card you have now. You just have more monitors to play with.