Multiple Mice on one Desktop?


Jan 1, 2010
I've done a little searching on this topic but haven't come across much. With fairly good text to speech and other input options I've thought for some time of a computer where you have multiple mice but associate each mouse with a different input device. What I mean is associate one mouse with keyboard and the window that that mouse is working with will take inputs from the keyboard, associate another mouse with voice input and the window that mouse is working with will take inputs from voice.

Ok I will probably go insane trying to talk and type at the same time but it is doable, more I'm looking at it would be freaken awesome to be able to browse the internet with one mouse while using voice input in the window associated with the other mouse. Taking advantage of the hands free nature of voice input.

Any options for something like this people have heard of?
You cannot do this if you are on Windows, because Windows sums the input of all mice to one cursor.

However. . . If you are willing to create your own non-mouse device driver, and create the applications, then you can associate a mouse to a single application, but you will need to perform ALL the input processing and event handling because you will no longer be able to conveniently use Windows to do that for you.