Multiple monitors for Nvidia GTX 980 and Radeon 290X


Jan 31, 2015
So... my computer just died, which is what I expected to happen after nearly 6 years of non-stop computer problems. At least I'm hoping that my hard disks survived the whole fiasco (my external one did for sure) since the data is more important to me than anything else.

Now that being said, I was hoping to be able to save up to 4500$ for my dream machine next year, but as it stands, I have to settle for a 3000$ monster. My main point of concern was the GPU. I was looking at either a Radeon 290X or Nvidia GTX 980. I'm more partial towards the Radeon 290X at the moment since I don't think I'll be doing that kind of overclocking or super high performance gaming, but I think I might be able to get a good deal on the Nvidia card.

Either way, my main concern are my monitors. I have two monitors currently and I want to continue to use them. I did see that the 980 does have some HDMI ports, and the 290 has two DVI ports (which is better for me since I have those already). But what my question is, how many monitors can I plug into a single 980 or 290? Also how would it affect performance? Also I'm guessing that more than one DVI connection the 980 is out of the question, am I right?

Also if I can ask, how well do those cards keep cool? For the past 6 years I've had a computer that had so many thermal shutdowns and driver issues it isn't funny, and it would be a massive relief to have a machine that actually works for a change. I'm so behind on the latest computer hardware it isn't funny. I need to give myself a crash course in the whole thing once again to know what I'm getting.

I believe them. Everywhere I got the Nvidia eats the Radeon's lunch, but it was the cost that got to me the most. On the other hand, on, the price difference between the 290 and 980 is about 140 bucks, that's something I can live with.

That being said, one thing that I'm 100% terrified of is overheating. I want a nice quiet machine. I put my computer under my table with it's back and left side to a wall (front and right side are clear). I might have to create a whole new set up for my new machine. I just want a machine I can turn on and not have to fret whether or not it shuts off after just watching a few youtube videos and playing old games from the 80s and 90s. I understand that computers overheat, but I really want to get rid of this problem that's been plaguing me since 2007.