Multiple Monitors Issue


Jan 12, 2012
I have a Toshiba Qosmio X775-3DV78 laptop that I've been connecting to a TV for watching movies once in a while. When I came home today, the laptop monitor would not turn on and would only output to the TV. I am unable to change my dual monitor settings through the control panel and am getting the "Unable to save video settings" error.

Sorry if this has already been resolved somewhere else. I've searched around a bit for fixes but nothing that I've found has helped so far. I don't seem to have the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MobilePC\TMM" that most people are suggesting as a fix. Others have suggested that switching the resolution may allow you to save settings, but that doesn't seem to work either.

I've tried rebooting several times. Also, shutting down and restarting with the HDMI cable disconnected, but nothing changes.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as having a laptop seems kind of pointless if I have to have it connected to an external monitor to be able to use it.

When you turn on your laptop without the TV connected, does the laptop display turn on and show anything at (like a BIOS loading screen or a Toshiba logo)?

Before the laptop boots Windows, it should display something on its screen first. Try pressing the F8 key repeatedly when you start your laptop without it connected to the TV. If it still doesn't display anything then your screen may have failed or the internal connection might be bad.

If it displays a screen with advanced Windows startup options then your screen is fine and you have a configuration problem in Windows. You can boot in "safe mode" and it should allow you to change settings back to default.
When I boot the laptop without anything plugged in, nothing happens with the screen. It just stays dark as if it were still powered off. I've tried switching displays using the keyboard shortcuts Win-P and Fn-F5 as well.

The possibility that it may be broken had crossed my mind, but I was hoping that maybe someone knew something I didn't. The laptop is fairly new. I've only had it a few months. And it hasn't been knocked around at all recently. It's just been sitting on a dresser next to the TV in my bedroom. My wife was using it to watch Torchwood and walked out of the room to check on our daughter and when she came back the screen was dark.

Hi :)

I own a Laptop repair company (amongst others) so I do know what I am taking about...get it tested....

All the best Brett :)
Well, since it won't even show a BIOS screen then it sounds like either the screen died or the internal connector is loose/disconnected. I have an old laptop and the screen flickers and sometimes stays off when I adjust its screen angle on its hinge. If your lappy is new then it should have a warranty that should cover a defective screen. That is probably what you have based on the responses you've given.

Use your TV as a monitor and backup any important stuff before giving it to someone to fix.