Multiple Random BSOD's happening consistently every couple of days


Jul 12, 2017
I'm not sure why but for quite a while now I have been having seemingly random BSOD's that seem to happen every couple of days but can sometimes happen multiple times a day. I've tried researching why this could be happening but I can't seem to find a definitive answer.

If anyone could help me fix this issue it would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some of the latest minidumps.

UPDATE: Received another BSOD today after the initial driver uninstall.

UPDATE2: Still receiving BSOD's but now have a kernel dump instead of just a mini dump.
Kernel Dump:
there are still some old 2010 asus drivers installed, and a 2010 Logitech driver.

if you change the memory dump type to kernel rather than a mini dump and run verifier
verifier.exe /standard /all
and reboot the system.
(be sure you know how to get into safe mode to turn off verifier via verifier.exe /reset command)

then the next bugcheck will contain the proper info to tell the cause of the problem.
(basically a driver is accessing a pool block that it should not access. the debugger command !pool on the address of the block will show what driver owned the block)

old drivers:
\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\AsIO.sys Wed Aug 22 02:54:47 2012
\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\AsUpIO.sys Mon Aug 2 19:47:59 2010...
the first bugcheck was a bad memory address being passed to some networking functions. This cause the windows networking to call a bugcheck.

just looking at your drivers, it looks like you have installed some very old networking driver from 2007 and 2009 on your system. I would suspect these as the cause of the bugcheck.

the 2007 driver was for
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\pnetmdm64.sys Wed Mar 7 10:13:19 2007
(for windows vista)

looks like you have a old version of vmware drivers as well:
(VMware network application interface drivers)
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vmci.sys Thu Oct 22 02:26:48 2009
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\VMkbd.sys Thu Oct 22 03:51:05 2009
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\VMNET.SYS Mon Aug 10 05:04:50 2009
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\vmnetadapter.sys Mon Aug 10 05:04:53 2009
\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\vmnetbridge.sys Mon Aug 10 05:05:58 2009
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vmnetuserif.sys Thu Oct 22 03:17:07 2009
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vmx86.sys Thu Oct 22 04:36:57 2009
\D:\Program Files (x86)\VMWare\vstor2-ws60.sys Mon Oct 12 14:06:26 2009

these are mixed in with some current
Oracle VirtualBox NDIS 6.0 Host-Only Network Adapter Driver drivers.
they are not likely to work together because of the changes in the interface standards over the years.

you also have some old Logitech wingman drivers from 2010 which would likely cause some problems for your usb subsystem. you should remove the drivers or update them from the Logitech website.
your bios is dated in 2013 so you need drivers that are dated in 2012 or newer so they conform to the usb 2.x spec updates. (these old drivers would cause some strange problems, they can modify data that the driver does not own)


Thank you very much for taking the time to help. I have uninstalled everything you listed so I hope it fixes this annoying issue.

I removed the drivers you said to and sadly this did not fix the issue as I just received another BSOD.
Heres the minidump:
there are still some old 2010 asus drivers installed, and a 2010 Logitech driver.

if you change the memory dump type to kernel rather than a mini dump and run verifier
verifier.exe /standard /all
and reboot the system.
(be sure you know how to get into safe mode to turn off verifier via verifier.exe /reset command)

then the next bugcheck will contain the proper info to tell the cause of the problem.
(basically a driver is accessing a pool block that it should not access. the debugger command !pool on the address of the block will show what driver owned the block)

old drivers:
\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\AsIO.sys Wed Aug 22 02:54:47 2012
\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\AsUpIO.sys Mon Aug 2 19:47:59 2010
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\rikvm_38F51D56.sys Mon May 14 00:49:40 2012

Logitech WingMan Translation Driver ( I think this one causes corruption of usb data on the USB bus)
be sure to remove or update it.
\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\WmXlCore.sys Tue Apr 27 13:09:26 2010

It took a while to bugcheck but it finally did.
Heres the full kernel dump: