SO. We have a Spectrum business plan, and they gave us a technicolor modem with 4 ethernet ports. We plugged our new Sonicwall router into port one and were off to the races with the ip x.x.x.210,
for craps and giggles, I plugged a second Sonicwall into the modem to see what would happen and it didn't work. I set it to DCHP to try to get it to work, and eventually set the router to the static ip x.x.x.208.
It works and I don't know why. We purchased one ip. Do I misunderstand how modems work?
for craps and giggles, I plugged a second Sonicwall into the modem to see what would happen and it didn't work. I set it to DCHP to try to get it to work, and eventually set the router to the static ip x.x.x.208.
It works and I don't know why. We purchased one ip. Do I misunderstand how modems work?