Multiple Signs Point To December Release For Oculus Touch

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The controllers are just simple wireless controllers where all the tracking tech is in the camera. Is the camera so different than what has already been shipped with the Rift HMDs? The huge delay in bringing the Rift on par with the Vive is let down for VR developers and consumers alike.

As somebody who owns the Vive I would love to see some real VR content in the Oculus store, at this time the only Oculus Store title that I felt was worth me paying anything for has been Chronos, but titles like the Climb might be much more tempting with proper controller support.
@Zapin Oculus has way more AA titles than Steam. The Climb, Chronos, Lucky's Tale, EVE Valkarie, Project Cars, Dirt Rally. Most of the Steam titles for the Vive are glorified tech demo's (Everest VR, The Lab,)

The camera is exactly the same, the Touch package just adds one camera to go with the one you get with the headset.

There is so little polished software supporting motion controllers that the delay isn't necessarily a big deal. Games using a traditional controller have had much more development time, so that catalog is less dominated by tech demo-ish games. A game like Chronos is basically unmatched.
Just out of sheer curiosity, I'd love to know what has caused the delay. They've been showing off what look like finished controllers for ages now and a few devs on YouTube have been uploading videos of themselves playing with them and they look great, with perfect 1to1 tracking. So is the issue simply stock? I cant imagine there has been any last minute updates to hardware.
I think the delay is with game support for it not the actual hardware. I think the hardware is done but they want to have a strong line up of games to go with it on the day of release.

By the way Elite Dangerous is amazing on the Rift especially with the right HOTAS so those looking for immersion that also like space games should get that and a HOTAS for Oculus. The sense of scale is amazing.

And many of the Oculus titles you mentioned I have played on the Vive without issues. Other than Chronos though they could not hold my interest long being just sit down xbox controller titles. Once Facebook said they would no longer fight Vive users I was perfectly willing to pay full price for Chronos.
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