Multiple Users On Single Computer

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May 1, 2013
Hey there guys.

I'm looking to run 8 computers, with 8 monitors and eight keyboards/mice off a single base system. Of course, the specs on this computer would be decent to deal with all the users but the actual operations each user will be doing would be rather low and insignificant. Each would essentially need to be on their own computer, so to speak and have no knowledge or way of effecting the other users on the system.

What software and hardware could could I use for this as your standard graphics card would not be capable of this?


Are you looking to setup 8 different workstations, but have them controlled(security permissions, access to networked resources, etc...) from a central computer?

If so, there are several ways to do this.

1. You could setup a workgroup through Windows, and have the central computer act as the workgroup admin.

2. If you want more control over what the users can do, or what they have access to, you can setup the central computer with a server OS and have it act as the domain controller.

3. You could also setup the central computer with ESXi, and you can setup virtual machines that can run on the 8 different workstations.

Either way you look at it, to setup something like that you would need 8 different computers with 8 monitors, plus the central 'control' computer. They can all be connected using ethernet cables to a router that has 8+ ports, or a wireless router.

Hey there,

Cheers for the reply. Perhaps I worded that poorly.

I'm interested in having a single physical computer with high specs running 8 'virtual' computers that can be operated as though they were standard physical computers. Rather than having 1 physical computer controlling 8 other physical computers.



Something like this..
Guess this thread has changed to: "Any experience or alternatives that may be better than this product?"
You would need 'terminals' to be able for each of the users to interact with the system. That is what the computers will be used for.

There is no way you can setup an 8 way display split and have 8 different users interacting with a central sytem without separate computers acting as terminals or as seperate workstations.

That is how the third option would work. ESXi would be the computer that everything is run from(all 8 virtual machines would be run by this computer. The terminal stations would be used to connect to the virtual machines running from the ESXi server, and the users can interact with the virtual machine that is loaded on the terminal.

Cheers and thanks to the other replier.

I think i've got enough info to look into this with the help of googling and the phrase to 'similar to'. Thanks for the help guys.

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